Age: Two months
Weight: 13 lbs 3.2 oz (72%)
Height: 23" (50%)
Head: 39 1/2 cm (62%)
Eye Color: Still blue with a brighter blue ring around the center.
Hair: He still has all of the dark brownish beautiful hair he was born with. He hasn't lost any of it, and I still have not been able to get it to do anything but stand up all over the place! In the sunlight there is a hint of copper tone to his hair...he gets this from me!
Clothes: He is wearing 3 months in most clothes, but some of his 6 month onesies fit him. He grew out of all of his newborn clothes quite a while ago.
Diapers: He is just barely in size 1 diapers. I probably should switch him over to size 2 diapers any day now, but I'm trying to use as many of the size 1s that I can from our open box.
Milestones: He is smiling all the time's just the cutest thing! He can track movement around the room and still loves to stare at the light coming in the windows. He has also started to stare at the mobiles above his swings. He will sit in my lap and stare at a short book while I read to him, but this doesn't last very long. He has made some laughing coos while smiling that have totally melted my heart. He is getting much more active now and will kick his legs while waving his arms around.
Sleeping: He still has been a pretty good sleeper. His longest sleep was 9 hours and 40 minutes but this was just a one time thing. He usually sleeps for an average of 5 to 6 hours at night. Occasionally he will sleep for as many as 7 hours and every now and then he will only sleep 4 hours. I'd say that his 5 hour sleeps are the most common which means I usually only have to get up once in the middle of the night to feed him. He no longer sleeps he sleeps in long-sleeved footed pjs generally with both arms above his head. He has also recently been taking very few naps during the day & his naps have been for less than an hour at a time.
Eating: Typically he still eats every 2 1/2 to 3 hours during the day with his longer stretches at night. He eats for about 15 minutes at a time. I have still been exclusively breast feeding him and it is going really great! Feeding Logan is still one of my most special times with him & if you can't tell from his pictures...the boy loves to eat!
Activities: We have continued to read to him. I usually read to him first thing in the morning and occasionally at night as well. We have been doing a lot of tummy time. He is generally ok with it for about 10 minutes but then he will start his "meow" like cries. I have also been doing baby massage with him. He has also started to like to lay on his play gym & look at all the colorful things hanging down and flashing lights.
Favorite Things: Logan's favorite thing is still eating. He will eat pretty much anytime & gives me the biggest smiles after (and sometimes during) a meal. He also loves to sleep on my chest.
Daily Things: Logan continues to smile a lot. He is really a happy baby. He still makes meow-like crying sounds. One adorable thing he has started doing is playing with his own hair. While he eats he will reach one or both hands up and play with his own hair. My mom told me I used to reach up and play with her hair while she fed me & I've always loved to play with my hair, so it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy watching him do this.