Tuesday, February 4, 2014

6 months old


I can't believe my baby is 6 months old! Time with him is going way too fast!

Age: Six months
Weight: 18 lbs 3.2 oz (62%)
Height: 26 1/2" (41%)
Head: 44 cm (68%)
Eye Color: Still blue with a hazelish to greenish ring around the center that is leaking into his eyes.  Mostly they are still blue.
Hair: His hair is long on the top and sides and has stayed shorter on the bottom like a mop top. It is brown and feather soft. He has a slight bald spot on the back from rubbing his head, but it's not too big.
Clothes: He is wearing 6 months in most clothes. In some brands he can wear 9 month tops if they run small.
Diapers: He is in size 3 diapers.
Milestones: He is now eating baby food every night. He has tried organic brown rice cereal, sweet potatoes, squash, & green beans in that order. He seems to really like it all. He will eat half to all of a container each evening. He has started to be able to sit without support. He's not super stable & can't be left unattended while sitting, but he can sit for several minutes at a time. He loves to play with his toys while sitting. He has discovered his feet & loves to pull on his socks. He will somehow scoot across a blanket & end up on the carpet. He has graduated out of his infant tub to a blow up duck tub. He can push himself backwards in his car walker & will reach up and spin the knobs. He has started to reach for Snoopy.
Sleeping: He will either sleep 8 to 10 hours or he will wake up every few hours. We are trying to sleep train him so that he can put himself back to sleep when he wakes up, but this is not easy! He usually takes two or three naps a day. Sometimes he naps for 20 minutes & sometimes for 2 hours. He prefers to nap in my arms, but I'm trying to break him of that habit.
Eating: He is still primarily on breast milk. He has one meal of baby food each evening & gets a little rice cereal mixed into a bottle of breast milk at night before bed. He mostly eats in his Bumbo, but he's eaten in his highchair a couple times.  
Activities: Logan is a sweet and happy little guy. He loves to bounce in his jumparoo and roll around on his play gym or on a blanket. He still likes his swing and his mamaroo...but not as much as he used to. He will reach up and grab everything in front of him and immediately it goes into his mouth. He really likes bath time & usually gets a bath every night. He likes to play with the water coming out of the faucet. He loves to play with the toys he got for Christmas! His favorites are his snail, crinkle tails books, green toys rattle, workbench, soft blocks, and the plastic square with the ball in it. He will grab a toy, shake it, & chew on it...and I think its just the cutest thing!

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