Weight: 20 lbs (55%)
Height: 27 3/4" (23%)
Head: 45 1/2cm (64%)
Eye Color: Blue with a greenish ring around the center.
Hair: His hair is long all over. It is light brown with a hint of a reddish tone in the sun and feather soft. It is filing in with new baby hair starting to grow.
Clothes: He is wearing 9 months or 12 months most clothes. 9 month pajamas & 12 month clothes.
Diapers: He is in size 4 diapers.
Milestones: He is army crawling all over the place! He has started waving bye-bye! I love it! He raises his hand up and opens and closes his fist. It is pretty much the cutest thing! On the day he turned 9 months he made a tongue clicking sound to his pops. They were doing it back and forth. His two bottom teeth are coming in. The first one started coming in weeks ago & then went back down and took a long time to finally poke through. Then the second tooth came in right along beside it. His top two front teeth are pushing against his gums making them swollen but it will be a while before they come in.
Sleeping: He usually sleeps from 10 to 11 hours during the night without waking up. He has been getting sleepy by 7:30pm & is usually asleep in his crib by 8pm. His naps are tough right now. He usually only gets one good nap in the morning or afternoon and a second very short 20 to 30 minute nap. He is still fighting going down for his nap in his crib. He will usually cry and fuss for a while before finally getting to sleep.
Eating: He is still breastfed. He eats about 4 oz per feeding (of pumped milk while I'm at work). He has one meal of baby food each evening. He eats in his highchair and sits at the table while we eat dinner. He loves eating and gets really excited when he is eating one of his favorite foods. His favorites are still sweet potatoes, carrots, & squash. His least favorites are bananas and apples. I think he doesn't like the tartness of the fruits because he makes a terrible face and sticks out his tongue when I try and feed him fruit.
Activities: Logan continues to get more and more fun everyday. He loves to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while he plays with his toys. He sits on a rug or blanket and will play with toys, crawl around, and be content by himself or with Barrett for a while. He loves his cousin Barrett! He has started to love his jumparoo again. He can get anywhere in his car walker and goes from room to room all over the house. Usually he ends up against my legs. He will crawl completely across the house to get to me (scoot on his belly really). He will also crawl to get to Snoopy and has grabbed Snoopy's hair and tail a few times. Hopefully I can keep Snoopy from biting him! He LOVES to play with hair...my hair, Jacob's hair, Snoopy's hair, his own hair, and pretty much anyone's hair who holds him. He is still so ridiculously ticklish. He loves strolling around anywhere in his stroller. He smiles at everyone and has started to "flirt" by smiling and then acting shy by burying his head in my shoulder when people talk to him. All you have to do is look at him, talk to him, or sing to him and he smiles. He is starting daycare on Monday April 28th for the first time. I'm nervous but I'm sure that he will love the interaction with the other babies.
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